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Reflections—Cancer Full Moon—January 6th.

Reflections—Cancer Full Moon—January 6th.

Now let us welcome the New Year, full of things that have never been—Rainier Maria Rilke.

The first Full Moon of the New Year arrives ripe with possibilities. She rests in the snug encasement of Cancer, a sign that evokes treasured rituals, home comforts, the sweetness of belonging to a loving family or caring community. It’s Christmas in Ukraine tonight. Possibilities and certainty darkened by the scream of sirens and the menace of deadly drones that swoop like raptors from the skies.

January is Capricorn’s month. As we pack away sparkling decorations and prepare to cross the threshold into this next year, we may feel the austere pragmatic presence of Saturn, Capricorn’s ruling planet, we may sense the archaic presence of Janus, the two-headed god as we glance backwards and remember the highlights and the lowlights of 2022, and imagine the blank slate of this year yet to be.

What we conceived of at the darkness of the midwinter Solstice on December 21st may still lie coiled and unformed as we stand at the portal of this brave new year. A sombre Capricorn New Moon on December 23rd, just a few days after the Solstice, reflected the determination of those lives that have been darkened by suffering. Now we have arrived at the fullness of a lunar cycle, a glimpse of hope, a whiff of defiance, on this day of Christmas, this day of Epiphany.

The sky-story for this new year speaks of liminal spaces, slow transitions, small, brave steps. There are no major planetary aspects in 2023 but a tide of cosmic changes that will scatter star dust over all humankind.

Already the days are growing longer and the primroses on the riverbanks turn their delicate yellow faces to the sun as we begin to resume the routines and rituals that ground us in our ordinary lives. As winter’s frosty grip softens, our earth-born bodies respond to the light, new dreams seed themselves in our imagination. Silently, irrevocably, great cycles of birth, life, death, and regeneration are at work. Mars is still Retrograde in Gemini, stationing direct on January 12th, and Mercury turned Retrograde in earthy Capricorn on December 29th, and will be moving direct again on January 18th inviting us to listen more attentively to what feels authentic, to pause in the quiet shade of the unknown before we enter the fray.

We’re on the cusp of a celestial turning point with two major ingresses: Saturn enters Pisces for a period of three years. Pluto enters Aquarius, marking a major shift in the zeitgeist that will colour our world for the next 20 years. As Pluto moves through Aquarius, we will see the axis of power shift from the west to the east, radical changes in society, politics, religion, a growing awareness of the Frankenstein Monster that is Big Tech and AI, a demise in the great myth of progress amidst environmental collapse. Notice events in March which will be prequels to the zeitgeist of the coming decades.

As Jupiter rushes through fiery Aries in the first months of this year, we may feel a heated rush of courage, the faith in ourselves to start something new. Jupiter moves into Taurus on May 16th, and our focus may shift to what we value—money, material possessions, or lack of these will be highlighted, especially when Jupiter unites with the North Node in June, emphasised by Venus moving Retrograde in Leo which will mine the gold of our inner resources. This celestial prompt could be the cornerstone for self-care, sound financial management, creative self-expression, and joy.

Cancer draws us back to our coiled origins in the watery warmth of the womb, to what nurtures and nourishes us deeply.

May the light of this Full Moon offer opportunity to ease in gently to the steady routine of life, to reflect on what nourishes and nurtures our souls, and to what brings comfort and healing to our physical lives. This is the year of living bravely, soulfully, imaginatively, abandoning those things that are irretrievably broken and reimagining our place in the world, rooting back into the earth.

Onwards we go into this brave, beautiful new year.

For a private astrology consultation, please get in touch with me:

Stories Written in the Stars: Friday, January 6, 2023 from 10:30 AM to 12:00 PM PST: 6.30 GMT. If you would like to join me tomorrow night for an overview of 2023 which begins with a double Retrograde, please get in touch and I will send you a link, or register and pay here: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejjic613b83e1aa4&oseq=&c=&ch=

Ingrid Hoffman

1 Comment
  • Sophie

    January 5, 2023at10:48 am Reply

    Magical essential understandings and guidance as always darling Ing. Happy 2023 to you all.
    May the light of this Full Moon offer opportunity to ease in gently to the steady routine of life, to reflect on what nourishes and nurtures our souls, and to what brings comfort and healing to our physical lives. This is the year of living bravely, soulfully, imaginatively, abandoning those things that are irretrievably broken and reimagining our place in the world, rooting back into the earth.

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