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Thin Places—Full Moon in Aries—October 17th.

Love can change a person the way a parent can change a baby—awkwardly, and often with a great deal of mess. Lemony Snicket.

This is the month when the veil between the worlds is thinnest, a time when our soul seeks the deep, dark root of rest and reflection, even as the world calls for lights and action.

In October, nature gathers her beauty in one last incendiary bolt of colour. Trees wear crowns of copper and carmine. Hawthorns and rowans bear clusters of bright berries. In the shadowed hollows, lacy spider webs spangled with silver dew drops stretch over fronds of burnished bracken. Here in the north, soft mists ready us for the darkness that accompanies winter.

In those tender, thin places where we feel exposed to the world’s hard edges, October’s Aries full moon illuminates the pain and suffering in the world. Aries is an action-oriented sign, ruled by the planet Mars. So, as we tune into the energy of this lunation tonight, we acknowledge those moments when we pushed past our soft place of comfort, and dared to be brave enough to receive what we longed for and feared to ask for.  When we trembled yet said, I love you.

It takes courage to love bravely in a divisive, disconnected world, where toxic individualism has wreaked havoc on our relationships. In a world where we have thousands of “friends” and no one to hold us tight when our heart is breaking. Where “artificial intimacy” leaves us more alone than ever. As this moon cycle ripens in union with Chiron in Aries,  we honour those few precious true hearts who have journeyed with us over the past six months. The total solar eclipse of April 8th, also aligned with Chiron, a thin place in everyone’s birth chart that holds our scar tissue.

This lunation ramps up the most significant astrological event of late 2024 and early 2025: a tense, confrontational engagement of Mars opposite Pluto which builds in intensity from October 14th and will remain in orb until January 22nd. This strained opposition will colour our own lives and be mirrored in world events as destiny delivers what it delivers. Mars in Cancer entered his shadow on October 5th and will station Retrograde in Leo on December 6th opposite Pluto.

Mars Retrograde cycles often coincide with low energy levels, as Mars, the war god, retreats from battle. We may need to reassess our goals, or even postpone things till the battle-weary Mars stations direct on February 24th at 17° Cancer.

Mars carries the warrior/hero/heroine archetype, and in a world that is predisposed to battle, our conflict might be within or projected outwards onto those we love.

Pluto now moves through the final anaretic degree of Capricorn, exposing the shadowy dimensions of Capricorn’s ruthless obsession with ensuring survival at any cost as tyrannical father-figures take their last stand. Capricorn carries the mantle of authority and responsibility traditionally held by the head of the family.

As Pluto trawls across this final degree of Capricorn, another sexual predator, former owner of Harrods, Mohamed Al Fayed, is exposed, revealing enablers who averted their gaze. The fine-spun, golden cocoon of privilege and powerful connections continues to insulate those who feel entitled to take what they want when they want it.

Pluto has been moving through Capricorn since 2008, exposing the putrid rot of toxic masculinity and patriarchal lust for power-over others. Pluto represents a primal urge to survive, which often becomes distorted as the dark power-over dynamics in our relationships, as strongmen (and women) crush dissent, and salesmen in the guise of politicians tap into the throbbing vein of discontent and vulnerability that pulsates through the masses. As we question the collective beliefs that thread through his-story, authoritarian Tyrant Fathers continue to peddle an age-old lie: some people are better than others. To the hollowed out middle classes, the promise of going back to a rose-tinted way we were is seductive. Blaming the woes of society on those they perceive as being beneath them provides a conduit for feelings of impotence and rage.

In how many ways have our lives been affected, our thin places pierced and scarred by those all-powerful Tyrant Fathers and Mothers? How have we been seduced by the glitter of wealth or power, fallen asleep as they have stolen our self-worth with impunity, undermined our talents, trampled our hopes and dreams? Pluto enters Aquarius on November 19th and will not return to Capricorn for another 232 years, so these next weeks mark a culmination of this Pluto cycle.

There are three exact alignments of Mars and Pluto: 3rd November 2024 (voting day in the US is two days later), 3rd January, and 27th April.

For those who are the mouthpieces for the collective, the gods seem to be smiling on Donald Trump. The day before voting, expansive and opportunistic Jupiter in Gemini conjoins Donald Trump’s North Node of fate and his Gemini Sun (identity, core aliveness) while benefic Venus and the Moon (the public) in optimistic Sagittarius brush over his South Node (challenges and gifts from the past) and natal Moon (emotions, instincts.) Unpredicible Uranus (excitement, freedom), in the most public place in his birth chart, delivers a radical and erratic bolt from the blue which, in the past, has worked in his favour. Traditionally these transits are tipped to fascilitate prosperity, abundance, and good fortune. Transiting Saturn (duty, responsibility, limitations, delay, boundaries) in Retrograde in Pisces moves over Chiron (wounding and healing) in Kamala Harris’ birth chart on November 5th. A nebulous Neptune Retrograde makes an insecure quincunx to her Libra Sun/Mercury, as Pluto makes a challenging square, suggesting that the rigours of this battle may have had a detrimental effect on her health. Mercury enters Sagittarius on November 3rd, and Sagittarius carries the archers far-sighted vision, a propensity for truth telling, or shooting from the hip.The months ahead will be telling, as we ask ourselves what aspects of own shadowy selves do our strongmen leaders, our false gurus, and our brittle shining celebrities mirror.

It takes courage to love bravely in a divisive, disconnected world. It takes courage to allow love to permeate our thin places when we can no longer trust what we see with our eyes. Yet now the time has come to take a stand.  “Love is or it ain’t. Thin love ain’t love at all,” writes Toni Morrison in Beloved.

To book an astrology reading, please get in touch: ingrid@trueheartwork.com


Seasons of the Heart—Lunar Eclipse Pisces Full Moon—September 18th.

A slow soft light settles over the meadows. Leaves flutter,  bronze and golden butterflies in the cooling air and choirs of migrant birds begin their long pilgrimage south.

“To everything there is a season,” yet change, like all initiations, rearranges our feelings, evokes dread or the salve of denial. As each bright leaf falls, we may be moving through our own season of fall. We may be weary, emotionally raw, finally able to disconnect from a difficult situation. Finally ready to admit that all the love and time and energy we have invested in a person, or a place, or a career will never bring us what we long for.

It’s eclipse season. A season of dimming light when our instincts are whetted by the necessity of endings. Some people may feel the energy of the eclipse a month before the first pair of eclipses. They experience a strange sense of hightened awareness that lingers for a month or more after the second eclipse.

Nebulous Neptune conjoins the moon in Pisces on this lunar eclipse, creating a force field of vulnerability and heightened emotion. This Neptune/Moon conjunction is infused with a sense of nostalgia, but can also quite literally present as extreme wet weather, high seas, and storms. Neptune is also associated with delusion and illusion—castles in the air, flights of fantasy—so, pause for a few days before committing to a decision that may be flawed. Dedicate time for self-care. Consciously disconnect from what agitates and disturbs the nervous system.  Mercury in discerning Virgo will oppose Saturn this weekm supporting considered thought processes and deep listening, yet also exposing a tender place of vulnerability. Be mindful of how the words will land before you send them out into the world.

Mercury joined the sun in Virgo on Monday 9th September, and on Wednesday 11th, it returned to the degree at which it turned Retrograde (August 4th). In astrological jargon, it is moving out of shadow, which means returning to speed and strength. Now is the time to be receptive to new perspectives but fact-check before assimilating information as a “truth”. Mercury enters the shadow again on November 7th as votes are counted in America and the Mercury Retrograde cycle begins again on November 25th.

Saturn is still moving very slowly, in Retrograde, through Pisces, clearing the way for new beginnings as activities and projects come to completion. What has outlived its purpose dies and decays. We learn our own limitations, confront own fear and sense of inadequacy. Saturn also presents as responsibility and accountablity.  As I write this post Apple loses an EU court battle and must pay a tax bill of over €3 billion to Ireland. Google loses a court appeal and must pay a fine of over £2 billion.

Just before the new Virgo Moon on September 2nd, Pluto made its final significant retrograde back into Capricorn and will turn direct on October 12th.

Pluto will spend only two months in Capricorn before returning to Aquarius again on November 19th. It will remain there until 2055. These next two months will be especially impactful for those who have personal planets in the last degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn, and early degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. This marks the end of an intense evolutionary process, a finishing up phase, that will leave a lasting imprint on our lives.

Pluto has been moving through the sign of Capricorn since the global financial crash of 2008. Over these past 16 turbulent years, we have entered a world where nothing is as it seems. Deep fake, deep state, made-for-media politics, and a babble of voices competing on social media, which serves as an accelerant to hate speak, and them-and-us mistrust.

The true meaning of democracy might have to be re-examined as Pluto moves through Aquarius over the next two decades.

Pluto has circled slowly through the darkness of outer space to the to the place it stood on July 4th, 1776, when the nation of America was born. Over these past 16 years, America has experienced the long slow process of  its first Pluto Return. As reminders of the painful legacy of dispossession, enslavement, ecocide, and genocide seep through a nation experiencing so much polarisation and collective angst, America is also experiencing a Chiron Return. America’s origins must be either confronted or repeated.

Transiting Mars opposes Pluto on the day of the US election, signifying a ruthless and merciless power struggle, the potential for violence, the possiblity of a contested election.

Unpredictable and erratic Uranus is still conjunct the fixed star of Algol, making a conjunction with Kamala’s Jupiter on election day and also back on Trump’s midheaven, aspects that will be positive in different ways for both candidates. The Moon moves into conservative Capricorn on that day, and Saturn Retrograde trines a Scorpio Sun signifying a stable, conservative tone which may favour either candidate, depending on your political prism. With Uranus activating the birth charts of both candidates, this election will deliver drama, uncomfortable reckonings. And Pluto will still be in Capricorn, a sign ruled by Saturn (responsibility, hard lessons learnt with humility, reality and the potential for enlightened leadership). Already we are witnessing the conflict between the energies of Neptune (suffering and sacrifice, compassion and confusion) and Saturn (responsibility, self-sufficiency, defensiveness and mistrust). Whoever “wins,” they will have to deal with the divisive effect of the coming Neptune/Saturn conjunction in Aries nearly exact in July next year and perfect at 0º Aries on 20th February 2026, as our own inner conflicts and projections shape our reality.

At this turning point in the year, the equinox on September 22nd readies us for wintering. “Autumn poses the question we all must live with—how to hold onto the things we love, even though we know that we and they are dying. How to see the world as it is, yet find light within that truth,” writes Pico Iyer in his exquisite book, Autumn Light: Season of Fire and Farewells.

As we tend to the grief that accompanies endings, may we pause awhile, make space to feel the emptiness, then prepare to turn our attention inwards as the nights draw in.

To book an astrology consultation, please get in touch: ingrid@trueheartwork.com


Shine—Full Moon in Aquarius—August 19th.

Darkness will always give you an opportunity to create your own light—Iain Thomas.


August’s full moon arrives trailing appellations: She’s a Supermoon, a Blue moon, an Aquarian moon.

In these dog days of summer, as Sirius, the fabled Dog Star rises with the sun and Venus shimmers at sunset, this full moon blazes close to the earth and for a fleeting moment, softens the rough edges of this world with her shine.

In a world that so often steals our ability to see any light, this full moon arrives at a peak point astrologically. Today, a graceful celestial duet commences as Jupiter in airy Gemini (growth, expansion, optimism, hype and misinformation) squares Saturn in watery Pisces (discipline, effort, limits, finality, contraction). This marks an all-penetrative change in tempo. An opportunity to create our own light even when the world around us seems so dark.

This choreographed dance across the night skies repeats three times: August 19th, December 24th (Jupiter Retrograde 14° Gemini and Pisces), and June 15th (Jupiter exulted at 1° Cancer and Saturn in fall at 1° Aries.)

This transit calls for cautious optimism and determination. Saturn transits arrive as the henchmen of stasis that often thwart our efforts to move forward. Yet they present as circumstances that grow us up, if we’re willing to learn. Jupiter brings bold vision, big possibilities, and the opportunity for self-enquiry as we carefully consider what will truly fulfill us. This is about the slow build towards a future that will feel more aligned, more authentic. If we are on the precipice of a big decision, these coming months will require thoughtful planning, patient vision holding. If we are feeling stagant or stuck, we might use this time to rest, enrich our connection to spirit. As we let go of the heaviness or fear,  perhaps we might become more compassionate and accepting of our imperfections, validate the small incremental steps that allow us to revive our energy, define ourselves once more.

This Saturn/Jupiter cycle was seeded at 0° Aquarius on the December solstice of 2020. This alignment marked the start of a pivotal period for humanity as we emerged from months of stifling restraints that prohibited our innate need for touch and connection.

Pluto has been energising this generative 0° Aquarius point  this year. We have already glimpsed the future: civil unrest, cancel culture, fanaticism, waves of migrants and homelessness, and the naïve belief that the new gods of technology and AI will offer redemption. Yet there is still so much goodness in this world. The innate kindness and generosity of so many who ask, “how can I help”? When the world looks so dark, let’s remember that Martin Luther King once famously said, “the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”

This big-bodied moon makes an unsettling square to Uranus, wild card of the zodiac. Look for  signposts and signals, embrace unexpected news that might shed light on a blind spot. Find the courage to take that momentus U-turn, that in hindsight, “was for the best.”

Mercury Rx times typically highlight setbacks, detours and delays that challenge our resourcefulness, hone our ability to be grateful for small wins.

One day before this lunation, in the lead up to the US Democratic Convention, a charismatic Mercury Retrograde in Leo is “cazimi”, nestled in the heart of the sun. When Mercury is re-forged in a tight alignment with the sun, it is bathed in the strength and vitality of solar fire, escorting brilliant ideas, effortless solutions, hightening our ability to think counter-intuitively. “The real heroes of race and culture would always be the people who stepped out of their own line to make a larger circle,” writes Naomi Shihab Nye.

The tail end of August’s dog days offer the potential for quiet introspection and attentive, practical planning. Mercury is Retrograde August 4th-28th moves from Leo into the sign of Virgo, as we bring our attention to the little things that make up the hours and days of our lives. Virgo presides over our health—what we ingest into our bodies and into our minds.

Past and future intersect this over-heated summer. For those who have planets or angles between 26-28° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius, this energy might manifest quite literally as an epiphany: a sudden, unexpected turn of events that compels us to redirect our plans in unexpected ways.

From Bangladesh to Butler Farm, Southport to Venzuela, it’s been an impassioned summer. We witnessed the ruthless, destructive, chaotic symbolism of the volatile Mars/Uranus/Argol conjunction portrayed in the assassination attempt on Donald Trump on July 13th. Uranian symbolism infuses the race to the White House as Kamala Harris takes to TikTok, and Swifties mobilize in support.

On July 19th, Mercury entered its shadow phase and came into square with the separating Mars/Uranus conjunction—a symbolic and literal electrical overload. A global IT outage reminded us of all of the fragility of our reliance on technology.

The horror of a mass stabbing of young girls and their teacher at a dance workshop in Southport on July 29th froze a nation. Communities circled in grief. The moon and Uranus met in the heavens and a garrulous Mars in Gemini raced towards Jupiter, ratcheting up malicious misinformation, algorithms roused primal fear. Archaic xenophobia in deprived areas of the UK, where the scourge of poverty is the real villain, was deliberately unseen by millionaire politicians and the billionaires of Silicon Valley.

Wild winds whipped up fires in the suburbs of Athens as temperatures soared on August 12th as the destructive energy of Mars combined with the largesse of Jupiter in airy Gemini.

Stock markets shuddered while glossy wolves of Wall Street gobbled up more profit.

The celebratory combative Mars/Jupiter combination was depicted in the triumpant, combative and courageous sporting achievements of the Olympian gods and goddesses.

Venus and Saturn form a tense T-square, activating the Mars/Jupiter conjunction from August 16th-19th, dismantling what has reached breaking point, illuminating situations that must change. This is about faith over fear as things fall apart: as we leave a stultifying job, move to a new city, finally have the strength to keep moving towards what feels authentic. 


The vibratory signature of this grand finale Supermoon may light the way to a flowering of purpose, a deeper way of listening, a different way of seeing, an outward rush of a life force that floods through us even in the darkness. “Despair is our chance to wrestle with fire and come through,” writes Christina Baldwin. Trust. Don’t let go.

There are times in life when people must know when not to let go. Balloons are designed to teach small children this―Terry Pratchett

Please get in touch if you would like to book an astrology consultation: ingrid@trueheartwork.com



Cliff Hanger—Full Moon in Capricorn—July 21st.

Reality is one of the possibilities I cannot afford to ignore. Leonard Cohen.

July dazzles us with a timeless expanse of placid blue sky, a glut of sport, the fizz of prosecco and picnics in the park. Stunned by  sunlight, hordes of visitors amble slowly along promenades or slump, lightheaded in deck chairs on talcum beaches.

The long languid days of summer bring some relief from the hard edges of reality, yet the sky story speaks of simmering tension, dramatic cliff hanger moments and sweeping epiphanies.

Mercury makes an erratic square to Uranus from July 19th to 24th, the harbringer of unexpected news, upsets, sleeplessness, and nervous tension, and for some, a change of perspective. Mercury enters its shadow cycle (July 16th– September 11th) turning Retrograde in Virgo from August 4th– 24th.

Mercury Retrograde cycles correspond with upsets or delays in travel and communication, technology glitches, and an over-heated nervous system. When Mercury moves Retrograde through Virgo, the devil is in the detail, so fact-check and have that plan B.

On July 21st, the sun in the very last degrees of Cancer illuminates the round face of the moon in the final degrees of Capricorn, signifying the culmination of a cycle. Pluto lies secreted at the heart of this lunation, an invisible reminder of painful endings, those circumstances that leave us devastated, depleted, where we feel there is nothing more we can do, but simply surrender. Pluto, now Retrograde at 0° Aquarius, charges this cosmic energy point. It is the same degree that marked a significant shift for humanity when Saturn and Jupiter conjoined at 0° Aquarius on the mid-winter solstice of 2020. This alliance of Saturn and Jupiter marked the end of an era and the precious seeding of a new vision, a new geologic epoch that will endure in the body of our earth long after this civilization has crumbled.  Margaret J. Wheatley author of Restoring Sanity: Practices to Awaken Generosity, Creativity, and Kindness in Ourselves and Our Organizations says, “as a culture, we don’t honour or do well with death. Collectively, we’re approaching the dissolution and death phasethere’s too much of everything wrong, which is always the critique from every civilization that has collapsed.”

The sun slips into Leo, opposite this 0° point today, and an impatient Mars makes a trine to Pluto at the same degree, underscoring the importance of this degree point, for which the enigmatic Sabian Symbol reads: “Building survival structures within our group, both physical and institutional, provides a measure of stability.”

With this high voltage energy careening through the heavens, those of us with planets 24-29° Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius may sense a charge of energy or experience liberating or jarring “wake-up” calls that change the trajectory of our lives.

Mars, planet of war and courage has been moving close to Uranus since July 12th and will remain in tight orb till July 19th. This flagrant Uranus/Mars alignment has reverberated through the news and perhaps in our own lives. This is a lightning-fast, bolt-from-the-blue energy, both creative and destructive, escorting chaos and innovation.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump was intensified by the malevolent the presence of Algol, a fixed star charged with passion and potential ruthlessness, according to astrologer and fixed star virtuoso, Bernadette Brady. This energy accompanies sudden, often shocking events that ricochet through our lives, upending our ordinary routines, shattering our best laid plans, sending a shockwave of lightning bolt energy that tosses us over the cliff edge, sets ablaze those aspects of our personality that might have lain dormant for years.

In Tarot symbolism, Uranus is The Tower card that accompanies sudden destruction, upheaval as we are forced to redirect our lives and rebuild in unfamiliar ways.

The confident appointment of JD Vance as Trump’s Vice-Presidential pick embodies this Uranian energy. Vance who has a theatrical Leo sun and Venus in Leo conjunct Trump’s bellicose Mars, will be the recipient of Uranus’s awakening. He’s likely to go straight for the jugular and will be a tactical opponent (his steamy Mars in Scorpio is also activated by this Uranus transit this year.)  He will also carry this ideological Uranian energy from the caul of the collective onto the political stage.

Uranus pivots Retrograde from September 1st to January 30th, 2025, so will repeat this conjunction to Trump’s midheaven (exact in December and end of March) and square his Mars in proud Leo (end of July, early October and early May). Meanwhile, Pluto squares President Joe Biden’s moon all through this year, and volatile Uranus opposes his Scorpio sun and Venus all this year through to early 2025. The months ahead will be challenging for him.

Planets to note will be Mars, now moving through loquacious Gemini from July 20th, ratcheting up the pervasive entitlement and exceptionalism that is rampant in social media. Jupiter, posited in Gemini, the sign of its detriment, begins a series of sobering squares to Saturn as a long-term issue may finally reach a cliff edge and we find a practical way of dealing with uncertainty, or limited personal or financial circumstances.

Saturn (self-discipline, responsibility, obstacles and authority) is still immovable at 19° Pisces till July 22nd and continues its slow Retrograde journey till November 15th as we wrestle with a sense of inertia, face financial hardship or loneliness, as we manage our expectations.

In the silence of space, the slow cycles of the planets reflect another facet of our human story. Upheavals yet to come, transformations yet to be fully understood, a long ending of a chapter in our life, sudden changes of fortune, shocking awakenings, or the quiet slow blossoming of something new.

As we prepare to descend into the valleys and climb the mountains that are always ahead, this full moon in the sign of the Mer-Goat reminds us to be sure-footed and patient, to prepare well. This moon signifies a culmination of a cycle, a coming to light of something that might not have been clear. As we start at the bottom and begin our climb, with love in our hearts and kindness in our actions, Howard Zinn reminds us if we do act in however small a way, we don’t have to wait for some grand, utopian future.The future is an infinite succession of presents, and to live now as we think human beings should live, in defiance of all that is bad around us, is itself a marvellous victory.”

To book a private astrology session please email me directly: ingrid@trueheartwork.com


Way marker—Full Moon in Capricorn—June 22nd.

How beautiful to finally understand that solitude is a mark of self-worth… to truly accept that you, alone, are worthy of your own company—April Green.

A striking full moon in the sign of the Sea-Goat stares into the heart of the sun tonight.

On June 22nd a rare lunistice, or lunar standstill, occurs once every 18 years when the moon is at the most extreme point in her cycle. We have reached a place of pause where we can rest in this moment, reflect on how far we have come, maybe allow ourselves to turn instinctively to what nourishes our soul. This is a time to take some time alone. Perhaps to set an intention, be clear and conscious of what it is that we long for. Capricorn accompanies a steady quality that we draw upon when we set healthy boundaries, focus on goals, harness the self-discipline to put in the hard work required. Yet, this unusual moon, warmed by the intense light of the midsummer sun, carries with her a trace of something out of the ordinary. She’s just entered the sign of Capricorn, a sign inbued with the qualities of integrity and responsibility on good days; steely ambition and calculating opportunism on days when the Devil Wears Prada. As the moon moves through Capricorn in our own birth chart, she is a steady reminder of the need to stay true to qualities like maturity, integrity, and discernment, in a world where the clapping hands of social media or a hunger for worldly power can rip us from our roots, shred our self-respect.

The moon is in her “detriment” in Capricorn.  When a planet is in its detriment, also called “in exile”, it journeys circumspectly across a foreign landscape. It functions in ways that might seem strange or unexpected. It can be extremely creative and innovative as it seeks new ways to be in the world, to find its highest expression. This full moon is also “out of bounds”, another technical term that conveys a quality of energy that often correlates with feelings of being an outsider, of not fitting in, of behaving unconventionally. This lunation reminds us of the ancient archetype of the exile, the outsider who behaves differently and is a stranger in a foreign land, a feeling we may experience in situations where we feel our aloneness or differentness, when we feel unheard, ignored or misunderstood. We may feel exiled in our communities, cast “out of bounds” by the choices we have made to experience a life that does not conform to what is deemed to be “normal,” or lost and adrift in frantic activities that untether us from our faith, our values.

The astrological tempo changes, at this high-point of the year. The mid-summer solstice on June 20th or 21st (depending on where in the world you live) marks the sun’s still point in its passage through the heavens, the nadir of mid-winter in the south, a celebration of light here in the north. The sun, Venus, and Mercury are now moving through self-protective Cancer, a sign that contains a reservoir of emotion and vulnerability. A sign that reminds us of the comforts of home and belonging in a world where so many are displaced from the comfort of home and community by famine or war, where mass migration now has become a contentious political and moral issue.

We are halfway through this year, a year of 80 elections as more than half the world’s population go to the polls. In some countries, fragile hopes for change have already been crushed by authoritarian governments; in others, pacts have been made by opposing parties to work together in cautious coalitions; while “snap elections” deliver a cacophany of harsh rhetoric devoid of fact-checking.

As Jupiter races through loquacious Gemini, and the Nodes move through Aries (self) and Libra (other) calcified ideologies are cut and reshaped by compromise. In South Africa, a collective psychological watershed has been reached. South African President, Cyril Ramaphosa (transiting Uranus opposing his Scorpio Sun) and the former liberation movement, the African National Congress have agreed to form a government of national unity with the pro-business Democratic Alliance. In France, Emmanuel Macron’s gamble on the dissolution of parliament has provoked a political crisis that may send France moving Eurosceptic hard right. Under a confusing transiting Neptune square to Macron’s Sagittarius Mercury and sun, the astrology suggests that Macron’s flutter may not end well. Here in the UK, transiting wild-card Uranus conjunct Sunak’s sun prompted another snap election punt with an election on the symbolic day of Independence, July 4th.

“After the ecstasy, the laundry,” author Jack Kornfield reminds us as governments turn to the daily task of translating the collective hope for change into an imperfect political system. Saturn, the ruler of this moon, turns Retrograde on June 29th, a collective ebb of the tide, an invitation to slow down to allow something new to seed and gestate over the next nine months. As Saturn moves Retrograde, it’s energy turns inward prompting us to reassess, to  perhaps to respond to outer events with more maturity, more caution. Typically, the last passage of Saturn over this degree point will quite tangibly manifest what was seeded and has grown very gradually over the slow months of Saturn’s slow retrogression, so it will be in our Pisces house that we may encounter a necessary delay, an internalisation, or a phase of withdrawal. Saturn begins to form a tense square to Jupiter from 17th to 23rd August and again in December 23rd to early January, requiring us all to temper our hopes with a good dollop of reality, to think clearly before adding more fuel to the narrative delivered by political performers who shock and dazzle the punters with their sociopathic rudeness and preposterously impossible promises.


Tonight, as this unusual full moon casts her light over a noisy, colourful, glittering world, she reminds us that solitude is a balm for fried and frazzled nerves. May our innate integrity steady us as we take stock of what truly matters. May we move with discernment amongst the babble of voices calling for freedom and for change. May we find the courage to question our beliefs and the beliefs that were never ours to begin with—with clarity and compassion. If we allow ourselves to be still tonight, we might hear change approaching, and if we’re hesitating at the threshold, still holding tightly to a situation that is stunting our evolution, now might be the time to step over, let go and begin again.


To book a private astrology consultation, please get in touch: ingrid@trueheartwork.com